Grand Opening
Wow, what an unbelievable first month of business that it has been. I know I say we are thankful 400 times a day but it's just the truth so I'm going to say it again... THANK YOU. You guys are showing us such support and love that it takes our breath away. It thrills us to see so many of you over and over again and when you tell us that the hamburger is the best you've ever had in your life we can't help but smile. This is our dream and we are so happy that you all are enjoying it so much.
Last Thursday we had our official Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting event and the turn out whas phenominal. We had our Ribbon Cutting at 9AM that morning and then opened up shop for another busy day. There was a lot going on in downtown Laurel with the start of the Farmer's market, the Welcome Center opening, and Downtown Movie Night later that same day. It's going to be a fantastic summer in Laurel- I can just feel it!
Enjoy these pictures from the Grand Opening...

If you haven't been in to see us yet - what are you waiting for?!